

Sevan trout is an endemic fish species in Amenia, which was once represented by four subspecies: Summer trout, Gegharkuni trout, Winter trout and Bojak. All of these subspecies were found only in Lake Sevan and for centuries were considered a source of high-quality protein. Unfortunately, Winter trout and Bojak are now extinct, while Gegharkuni and Summer trout have diminished considerably. Today, Sevan trout is included in the Red Book, which means that it is treated as a priority species on the “endangered list” – and therefore requires urgent measures to prevent its total extinction.

Sevan trout population numbers have decreased from 30.000 tons to 300 tons. Particularly, Sig has taken a huge loss in numbers – and Sig was once the main source of catch for fishermen for centuries. Two other endemic fish species: Koghak and Beglu, are also included in the Red Book. In addition Lake Sevan has seen several new fish species: such as mirror carp, stone moroko and riffle minnow. These fish species which don’t have trout to assist in raising their quantity to stay at optimal levels, can grow for a short period of time only – but in this short period, they cause irreparable damage to Sevan’s ecosystem.Therefore, the preservation and recovery of trout stocks will contribute towards the recovery of the ecosystem of the Lake as a whole, and in addition provide a source of high quality food for the population. In the territory of Karchaghbyur, the construction of the fingerling farm has begun. The productivity of such a farm exceeds the production capacity (by multiple times) the production sites of four fingerling farms which operated in Sevan during Soviet times.Summer and Gegharkuni trout fingerlings will be purchased and released to the Lake Sevan every year. Due to the above mentioned processes, the amount of the two subspecies of trout - Gegharkuni and Summer trout - will gradually begin to recover, and the ecological state of the rivers that serve as spawning places will improve. These processes will lead to the natural reproduction of the trout and over the time, its population will begin to recover and increase. 

Preservation of the Lake Sevan

Lake Sevan occupies a unique place in the natural landscape and ecology of Armenia. Before the artificial lowering of its water level, 80% of all water resources in Armenia were concentrated in Lake Sevan.

Lake Sevan is significant for Armenia and the Armenian people: it occupies a unique place: with its wonderful flora and fauna in the biodiversity of the country; and fish plays an important role in the diet of the Armenian population. Lake Sevan has strategic importance not only for the country but for the whole region.

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